ISO 9001
Since 1980
Award Winning
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High precision torque control
Reduced residual torque

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Type Fix Capability (75°C) Inertial torque (kgm2) Compelling air-cooling concessional slide rate of work Weight (kg) Max. speed Weight
torque kgfm of Rotation (r/min) of Magnetic
(Nm) Electric (A) Electric (S) Air pressure (pa) Air volume (m3/min) Ratio Powder (g)
Power (W) (W)
POB-006 0.6(6) 0.81 19.4 0.09 6.10*0-5 6.10*04 0.1 170 5.2 1,800 10
POB-012 1.2(12) 0.94 22.5 0.1 1.34*10-3 3*104 0.2 250 5.2 1,800 20
POB-025 2.5(25) 1.24 30 0.12 3.80*10-3 5*104 0.4 380 9 1,800 33
POB-050 5(50) 2.15 51.5 0.13 9.50*10-3 1*105 0.6 700 15.5 1,800 60
POB-100 10(100) 2.4 57.6 0.25 3.50*10-2 6*104 1.1 1,100 34 1,800 140
POB-200 20(200) 2.7 64.8 0.12 9.15*10-2 5*104 1.6 1,900 53 1,800 225
POB-400 40(400) 5 120 0.4 2.43*10-1 1.6.*105 2 2,100 102 1,800 300


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